What if my business is on or near the route?


If your business/organization/nonprofit is directly on the route or no more than a block away you are considered a Route Host. Sign up here!  As a business owner, you are encouraged to extend your business out to the street in front of your business. For those a block away, you would set up on the route as close to your business as possible. Many businesses have reported increased sales during Atlanta Streets Alive, due to increased foot traffic and visibility. You can keep doing what you have, but an even more successful approach is to set up an activity in front of your store to bring in participants! We have a form you can fill out to be included on our interactive map.

Shops and restaurants: set up dining chair and have an area for people to eat and drink(Drinks may not be provided in to-go cups. We are not permitted for alcohol.), bring out store items to sell, offer a discount, or update your sandwich board welcoming ASA participants, offer a water station, temporary bike parking

Nonprofits/Churches: Provide an activity that has a connection to your organization, kid's games, a church tour, open up restrooms to participants, offer a water station, giveaways. temporary bike parking

Health/Fitness/Gyms: one of our four pillars is Health so this is a perfect fit! Provide a few free modified classes in the street - yoga, zumba

Photo examples of activation: https://www.flickr.com/photos/atlantabike/albums/72157689698180695


an initiative of the Atlanta Department of Transportation with support by Propel ATL and the Atlanta community.