Crosswalk Angels
Crosswalk Angels support Atlanta Streets Alive by making sure all participants are following the rules of the road, as well as answering any questions they may have about the route or activities. Crosswalk Angels are strategically placed along the route at main pedestrian crossing points to aid participants to get across the route safely.
Duties are as follows but are not limited to:
Maintain position at designated pedestrian crossing point
Aid participants in crossing the route safely where cars are able to cross
Provide overall event information (i.e. times, what is ASA, why, how, etc.)
Help guide ASA participants to key areas of the event (i.e. restrooms, water stations)
Ensure participants are following the rules of the road and reminding them that the streets don’t belong to bikes or to skateboards or to pedestrians. They belong to EVERYONE.
Minimum Age: 16
Not required, but highly encouraged: Best if you are already very familiar with area cross streets, businesses, and Atlanta Streets Alive.
Provided: We will provide flags, vest, signs and stop foam hands.
Orientation Required? Orientation attendance is highly recommended but not required.